Online food ordering software restaurant dashboard for restaurant business

Restaurant dashboard and delivery executives is a single platform connects with multiple customers.

Online Food Ordering And Delivery Software Script

Online restaurant ordering and delivery software system for branch manager (Restaurant owner)

Foodtro, our restaurant ordering software manage the single restaurant with multiple branch (vendor). Each branch manager (owner) has a separate business page. Online food ordering restaurant dashboard of the branch manager, manage their customers ordering and delivery details. And our restaurant ordering software of the branch panel manages numbers of orders, customers, branches, and total turnover.

When the restaurant ordering software of admin panel manage the customer order history. The branch manager assign the food delivery location to the delivery boy.

Order section

Branch manager (owner) can manage order section which contains details of each order like branch name, customer name, order number, order date and time, total amount and also can change the notification of rejected/ accepted/ delivered/ pending status.

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Delivery section

Branch manager (Owner) can add delivery person in this section with the details of branch name, delivery boy name, email address and contact number. He can also track the status of the entire delivery status.

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In this section, when the branch manager can generate report by using filter section. Filter section contains report type (order by day, order by an hour, order by month, most selling branches) and can select specific branch name, start date and end date. When the report can be download as PNG, JPG, can also nr exported to excel.

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Change Solution Language

Admin to control this particular features. If they want entire Foodpanda clone script their language was changed for choose of business owner. It helps interact with all customers in the common language that they want to use.


How We Work at Client Places?

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food delivery Script

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